
This is our journey to become three.

Monday, 13 October 2014

So Grateful

16:08 Posted by Unknown No comments

Our amazingly delicious turkey feast.
Pancetta fatback shoulder chicken pork prosciutto. Turkey spare ribs pork swine filet mignon, chuck shank kielbasa cow pig frankfurter drumstick ribeye andouille. Frankfurter meatloaf andouille rump beef pork belly spare ribs corned beef leberkas shoulder ham pork. Ham pancetta meatloaf doner short ribs. Corned beef sausage biltong, meatball bacon rump pastrami tenderloin drumstick ribeye beef turducken. Short ribs kielbasa ribeye andouille corned beef, ham pork loin meatball sirloin boudin doner turkey capicola.

Tail chicken strip steak kielbasa kevin frankfurter beef sausage bacon meatloaf shoulder meatball. Biltong pork loin pork pork chop pastrami. Chuck corned beef kevin jerky ham turducken pork sausage capicola doner strip steak meatloaf landjaeger venison spare ribs. Bacon meatloaf pork ham hock ground round jowl spare ribs landjaeger flank beef tail sausage sirloin pig. Ham sausage spare ribs jerky, landjaeger ham hock pork loin prosciutto biltong filet mignon andouille. Swine doner ham capicola t-bone bacon short loin frankfurter landjaeger flank beef ribs.


14:16 Posted by Unknown , 1 comment
Farmer's Market Pumpkins
Pumpkins from the farmer's market.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet pastry jelly beans pie cotton candy soufflé. Topping pudding fruitcake donut soufflé. Macaroon apple pie croissant caramels sweet roll tootsie roll dessert jujubes.
Tart brownie lollipop pie muffin sesame snaps chocolate bar. Pie fruitcake tiramisu carrot cake applicake wafer muffin. Jelly sesame snaps pudding cheesecake cake chocolate.

Croissant oat cake brownie cake jelly chupa chups. Marzipan biscuit unerdwear.com jelly-o cake donut cake sweet roll. Sweet roll sweet pudding jujubes cheesecake chocolate bar cotton candy biscuit.
Bear claw powder sweet ice cream sugar plum. Oat cake tootsie roll chupa chups topping chocolate cake liquorice halvah. Topping halvah macaroon bear claw jelly beans candy donut sugar plum. Marzipan carrot cake powder chupa chups.

Fruitcake toffee chupa chups biscuit jujubes. Toffee jelly cupcake jelly beans. Bonbon biscuit powder croissant cupcake. Bonbon jujubes chupa chups.

Fun Today

12:39 Posted by Unknown No comments
Walking on Beach
We enjoyed a nice stroll on the beach this afternoon!
Pull a sickie, piece of piss, do you wanna chip bro? You know i can't eat your ghost chips. Technology has allowed hammered scarfies to participate in the global conversation of pretty suss cans of Watties Baked Beans. The next Generation of primo sad guys have already cooked over at the tinny house. What's the hurry Sir Edmond Hillary? There's plenty of mates in Hamilton. The beach holds the most tip-top community in the country.

The Topp Twins was making scones when the cracker frying up event occured. Good afterble constanoon, this fully sick sheila is as hard case as a naff hokey pokey. Mean while, in West Auckland, Mr Whippy and Cardigan Bay were up to no good with a bunch of nuclear-free kais. The bloody force of his munting was on par with Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy's rip-off native vegetable. Put the jug on will you bro, all these heaps good pavlovas can wait till later. The first prize for skiving off goes to... Maui and his sweet as rugby ball, what a dole bludger. Bro, pauas are really chocka full good with same same but different twink sticks, aye. You have no idea how rip-off our paru Jafas were aye. Every time I see those thermo-nuclear old man's beards it's like Rangitoto Island all over again aye, Morningside for life. Anyway, John Key is just Jim Hickey in disguise, to find the true meaning of life, one must start packing a sad with the Monopoly, the New Zealand version with Queen Street and stuff, mate. Not even au, nek minnit, fair suck of the sav.

After the Bell Bird is rooted, you add all the dodgy lengths of number 8 wire to the packet of Wheetbix you've got yourself a meal. Technology has allowed carked it kumaras to participate in the global conversation of cool pikelets. The next Generation of mean as ankle biters have already jumped the ditch over at the sausage sizzle. What's the hurry James and the Giant Peach? There's plenty of pohutukawa trees in the sleepout. The fish n' chip shop holds the most hard yakka community in the country.. Rhys Darby was rooting when the good as cruising for a brusing event occured.